by: Dave Calpito
Quite a few people are hooked to learning online. Thanks to the Internet, a lot of people can now enroll in online courses even if they are in the comfort of their homes.
The e-TESDA, otherwise known as the TESDA Online Program, is a platform in which Filipinos can boost their technical skills and learn new things through their official website,
One of the most sought-after online courses under this platform is the Food and Beverage Services NC II.
For this course, students will learn the following: Introduction to Food and Beverage Services; Providing Table Service; as well as Providing Room Service.
This course is for those who wish to enter into the Tourism Industry.
Now, if you are interested in taking up this course, along with other free courses offered under the TOP or eTESDA, you have to create your own account first.
To register, head on over to the official website of eTESDA. Again, the website is
You have to nominate your own username and password and fill out the online form provided in the platform. You have to then verify your account thru your e-mail.
Upon registering, choose your preferred course, then hit the "Enroll button."
It's that simple.
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